SEO tips you need to know in 2019

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Since most of the consumers are online, it is important for brands and businesses to have a presence online. And for that, many brands are establishing their own websites and blogs. But just starting them is not enough. If you want good traffic, more clicks, better ranking, and high ROI you have to work on it, and that is where SEO comes in.

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Make SEO an essential part of your marketing strategy and keep track of its trends. It is important to keep a track on it, because every year new SEO trends come and you don’t want to be left behind.

In this blog, we will talk about some of the newest SEO trends that you must look out for in 2019.

  1. Optimize for more than Google search engine

Since years, Search engine optimization was done keeping Google in mind, but in 2019 this trend is changing. People nowadays search on various things about products, and you have to optimize for that too and not just your website if you want to get more business.

Currently, people search on Amazon for things they have to buy or on the app store for a particular app. Thus, it is crucial that you learn how to drive traffic from other things too.

In simple terms, 2019 is asking you to be on top of everything, whether it be Amazon, or app store, or a podcast channel, anything where people can search for your brand.

  1. Content should be exceptional and of high quality

As usual content will always be the king, many trends will come and go, but this won’t. If you want your content to come in the top three Google searches, use exceptional and quality content. Especially, since 2018, as Google has updated its algorithm to intensely focus on evaluating the quality of a blog or sites content.

The websites that will have exceptional content with depth will have great rankings and enough organic traffic.

It is crucial that you publish good content, something that is relevant to the consumers and informs them about your brand too. Make sure your content strategy is not just about getting more users, but also about engaging them. You should also insert the relevant images, so that your content look good. You can use Canva to make amazing blog images.

  1. Include Microformats to your website

In terms of coding, microformats are HTML patterns that provide information about your website to Google.  It helps search engine to know what exactly is your website about and then rank you appropriately.

If you provide honest microformats, Google will reward you with better rankings. Also, it makes your content more engaging for the consumers and encouraging them to click on it. As we all know, more clicks mean more traffic and better revenue.

  1. Voice search

A study has shown that by 2020, 50% of the searches will be voice searches. Voice-enabled devices like Alexa and Google home will perform most of the voice searches on behalf of consumers without making use of a screen.

Voice searches are long, so SEO for that is completely different. You will have to find 7-9 words phrases as your keyword including a question that people might say while voice searching for your brand.

Consumers usually ask what, where, how, and when questions so optimize your website for that.

  1. Focusing on technical SEO is important

In 2019, you will have to focus on the technical SEO of your website, because every year numerous sites are coming up and their complexities keep increasing too. Focus on these areas as part of your technical SEO:

Speed – You will have to work on your site’s speed, and make it fast and simple. Google will rank your site better if it loads quickly.

JavaScript – Most websites even now use JavaScript and its frameworks to create their website. That is why you have to be a little familiar with JavaScript so that you can understand how a search engine works with such sites.

PWA – Progressive web apps are the future, and you have to figure out a way to make sure that your website has a future as PWAs.

These are some of the trends that you need to implement in your SEO marketing strategy. To know about more trends, keep watching this space.

About the Author

Kavita Paliwal is an Outreach Specialist cum Content writer at ViralChilly. When not glued to her laptop, she can be found making travel plans that rarely happen :). Connect with Kavita on Twitter @dreamerkavita