
Does a non-working spouse need Term Insurance?

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A working spouse always gets the spotlight mainly due to the promising career and the respect that is earned due to hard work. However, a non-working spouse should never be overshadowed. The non-working spouse rarely gets any credit for meeting the household responsibilities. It is essential to understand that a non-working spouse complements her better half by undertaking the duties towards the household that too, on a 24*7 basis.

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Roles of a non-working spouse

Let us understand the various roles of a non-working spouse in the family.

  • Managing the house

While one spouse is working, the other has to manage the entire house and this is not an easy task. Right from keeping the house clean to washing clothes and utensils, there are endless chores. It is physically demanding and one has to put in a certain number of hours daily.

  • Cooking

A cook in a decent neighborhood located in top metro cities like Mumbai will not charge anything less than Rs. 5,000 per month. The non-working spouse cooks daily that too free of cost.

  • Looking after the children

The non-working spouse also spends a lot of time with children and ensures that they receive proper nourishment. This is an exhaustive and laborious task.

  • Teaching children

The job of a non-working spouse does not end at looking after the children; it goes much beyond that. A non-working spouse will ensure that the children perform their best in school and hence she takes a deep interest in their studies.

  • Taking children around

Every day a child in India will spend about two to three hours pursuing extracurricular activities. This includes football coaching, tuition, and other classes. The non-working spouse ensures dropping the child off and fetching the child from the school and from these activity centers.

Benefits of buying term insurance for a non-working spouse

A non-working spouse has the responsibility of an entire household. From being a cook to a teacher, driver, caretaker, and a mother, she manages it all. It is a full-time job, which does not offer any salary, promotions, bonus, or perquisites. In reality, a non-working spouse works much more as compared to an employed spouse. Most importantly, there are no holidays, weekends, or day offs in the life of a non-working spouse. Most of the times, the non-working spouse is a woman.

When it comes to buying insurance in her name, it is often overlooked and many do not understand the importance of a term plan for non-working spouse. When a term plan is purchased in the name of a non-working spouse, it will ensure the financial protection of the working spouse.

One can never account for the emotional damage or the financial implications of the job she performs on an everyday basis. One of the biggest term insurance benefits is to help tide over the financial damages that occur in her absence. Even if you set aside a specific amount for her services annually, it will not suffice.

Certain services cannot be measured in monetary terms. Instead, you can get a term insurance cover for her life at a low insurance premium. This will be beneficial to take care of the financial obligations such a paying a cook and looking after the expenses of your children’s caretaker when the non-working spouse is not around.

Buy online term insurance for the ‘always working’ spouse so that you are financially covered in her absence.