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Ten easy steps to improve your eCommerce business

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Close to a year back, we had our first guest article by Mr Ranjan on Financial Management for a Startup Firm and continuing this so called discontinued release cycle wink, we have our second guest blogger named Heather Johnson.So, now let us have a look at Heather’s profile.

About Heather Johnson:
Heather Johnson is a freelance business, finance and economics writer, as well as a regular contributor at Business Credit Cards, a site for business credit cards and best business credit card offers. She contributes actively to their blog BootStrapper.Heather welcomes comments and freelancing job inquiries at her email address heatherjohnson2323@gmail.com
You can find few of her sample articles here,here and here

In this article, she would talk about ten easy steps to improve your eCommerce business and since they are easy, most of us tend to forget them biggrin , so let’s have a look at them !!!

Ten easy steps to improve your eCommerce business:
As with any business, the feeling a customer walks away with after doing business online is crucial to the company’s success. Now more than ever, the customer’s experience, whether good or bad, travels far and wide in the eCommerce world. A good experience fosters positive word of mouth and valuable online customer reviews to attract future customers.

Here are some simple ways you can ensure you are providing excellent customer service and not losing any potential business:

1. Open the lines of communication
Have you ever searched forever to find a contact number or e-mail address of a company you’re doing business with online? It should never take more than a mouse click or a scroll down the page to find this information. Make it easy for the customer to locate this most basic information.

2. Confirm every order
Send a confirmation e-mail to your customer to alert them that their order is being processed. This alleviates concern that their order is lost in cyberspace along with their credit card information.

3. Stick to your guarantees
If you tell a customer their order will be delivered in three days make sure you follow through. Empty promises leave a bad taste in the customer’s mouth.

4. Anticipate customer questions
Create a FAQ section on your site. A comprehensive list will limit the amount of time a customer will use to find an answer to a potentially easy question.

5. Make it worth their while
Develop an incentive program. This could range from free shipping to coupons for future purchases.

6. Listen to your customers
The old adage, “the customer is always right,” should be heeded. If a customer has a suggestion, complaint or compliment , than listen to their message and apply it in future practice.

7. Properly train employees
A support staff is your front line and it’s imperative your employees are well trained and knowledgeable about your line of business.

8. Apply a personal touch
This will help set you apart from the pack. It could be as simple as providing free gift wrap.

9. Show you’re credible
Add photos or testimonials on your site to make your customers aware of the quality of your service.

10. Have a warm body on the phone
Customers don’t want to hear the same thing they’ve heard from every other company they’ve done business with. Have some personality and show an understanding of your customers’ needs.

I hope you enjoyed reading Heather’s tips , just as I did and hoping to see more guest bloggers contributing to Thoughtsprevail smile

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