HomeBarCamp Bangalore2.0

Bar Camp Day 2 Session 1 : IT Swami! Your Bangalore on the net!!!

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Speaker : Aashish Solanki

YBangalore non-profit site which is started by two engineering students.The parent company is Yulop

Why YBangalore:

  1. Concept
  2. Implementation
  3. Target Audience
  4. Ad Free

What is next at YBangalore:

  1. Revamp Design
  2. Associate Designs and Brands
  3. Stay AD Free as long as possible
  4. Live Radio BroadCast
  5. Web Logs – WiKi podcasting

But the debate was “Can this sustain for a longer period of time” since , it is completely non-profit.

Next Venture : see2get

This will be launched very soon

The idea is “80-90% of the people dont come back to a site is because of a bad GUI”

How important is a user in WEB2.0:

  1. Agility and attention
  2. Usability and attention
  3. Freshness and Quality
  4. Ads or Nuisance?

Pillars of Web 2.0:

  1. GUI Perspective
  2. Functionality Perspective
  3. Response Prespective
  4. Developer Prespective

Final idea is “Content is the king”