All of us know the phrase “Slow and Steady wins the race“, but most of the times,the reverse holds true especially in business[First Mover advantage].Apple entered the Portable Player Bandwagon very late yet, it still rules the market with it’s revolutionary iPod [Slow may sometimes be the most Steady smile].

Teams have become important rather than individual performers and the same is shown in the improvised version of the “Hare and Tortoise” story shown below[must read for anyone in the corporate or a business environment] :

As shown in the presentation, some of the key learnings from the “Hare and Tortoise” story are:
  • Never give up when faced with failure.
  • Fast and consistent would always beat the slow and steady [but may not always be true].
  • Work to your competencies.
  • Compete against a situation , not against a rival smile.
  • Team work always creates wonders than individual performers.

We have written a lot on what(s) and why(s) of blogging, why should companies blog, why should company employees blog and so on…… Just came across an interesting article on HP’s Blog titled “Seven habits of ambitious companies” with Blogging being ranked # 5 in the list biggrin….. Ambitious companies should :

1. Have big ideas
Set big, ambitious goals. They thrive on change but stay true to their purpose.

2. Stay focused
Whether companies diversify or specialise, they make smart business decisions and back winners.

3. Build momentum
They don’t let the impossible interfere with the possible.

4. Put people first
Ambitious companies hire ambitious people. They give people the tools and information they need to do the job. They are unapologetic about going after the best talent available.

5. Encourage communication
They start by listening: to customers, employees and critics alike. They encourage blogging. They sound like people, not like lawyers.

6. Manage innovation
They don’t punish failure to succeed, only failure to try.

7. Listen to their conscience
They have an environmental and social conscience and listen to it. Not because they have to, but because it makes good business sense.

Read the complete article here

There is always a battle between corporates and bloggers.Some companies may feel that “Blogging is a waste of time whereas for some,it enhances their business”.Given below is one of the article’s from Chip Magazine saying “Web 2.0 and Business“.The article shows how companies like Pramati,DirectI,Symantec and SUN Microsystems have used blogs not only the enhancement of their business but also for improving the communication between their employees!!!

This article does indicate that not only startups but also big corporates are adapting Wikis and blogs in their business biggrin