
Why Startups should move from On-Premise to Cloud Contact Center?

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As we adapt to the new normal, the adoption of the cloud contact center has certainly increased. Most successful businesses are investing in technology that helps them increase their business efficiency. Reduced cost pressure, high data security, and flexible contact center operations are the top drivers of the increase in cloud adoption.

Most startups are opting for a cloud solution, making virtual business infrastructure a reality. Large enterprises that once believed in keeping an in-house contact center are also planning to move to cloud contact center software to scale up their businesses and cut down on the infrastructure costs.

What is Cloud Contact Center software?

A cloud contact center is a software that is hosted over internet, is easy to deploy, and comes with enterprise-grade security. A cloud contact center meets the needs of inbound and outbound calling operations and is run over the internet to provide uninterrupted customer service and support.

A highly flexible, agile, and robust cloud contact center software enables the businesses to manage their omnichannel contact center operations seamlessly. It has in-built capability to add channels like Voice, Email, Social Media [such as WhatsApp, Google’s Business Messages, Twitter DM, Instagram, Facebook Messenger], Video, and Chat.

What makes Cloud Contact Center the choice of SMEs and Enterprises?

Let us now look at some of the cloud contact center benefits that might help you decide on the best cloud call center software for your business.

Ease of Installation

Cloud contact center software does not require any hardware installation, therefore, making it highly flexible to deploy in hours. You can choose from the variety of cloud contact centers such as Private Cloud, Public Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. Each business has a unique usecase and they need a customized solution according to their business needs.

For instance, if you have a small e-commerce startup, you can choose a public instance that stores your data on cloud with several other users. But, if you are a bank, you need a private cloud to ensure maximum level of data security.

Reduced Cost Pressure

Let’s consider a scenario where the businesses are spending 10-15% of their on-premise contact center cost in managing the infrastructure, building up a physical office, and providing right tools and services to the contact center agents.

More often than not, this function runs on razor-thin margins, especially in BPO companies.

Let’s imagine this cost goes away in a remote work environment with a cloud contact center software. The additional saving of 10-15% cost on setting up infrastructural facilities in the physical office environment can be invested in alternate channels, tools, and equipment for the remote workforce.

Hiring Diverse Workforce

With remote work becoming the new reality, businesses are turning towards a remote hiring model to get an access to a wider pool of talent across multiple geographies, putting away the barrier of relocating.

This has manifold benefits such as:

      • Businesses working for different time zones can access the global talent pool, ensuring that they provide native experience to each customer
      • It helps in hiring parents who find it difficult to move out of their homes to work in a physical office environment
      • Working remotely eliminates the need for traveling to reach the office daily and employees like to be given flexibility. With Remote Working Solutions, employees are more likely to accept job offers that do not involve traveling
      • People nearing retirement can also be given the opportunity to work remotely

Flexibility & Scalability

In an on-premise set up, it becomes difficult for organizations to scale their business without worrying about operational overheads. But, in a cloud contact center software, you can choose a ‘pay as you go’ model and add additional contact center agents during the peak holiday season without any hassle.

A cloud contact center also provides the flexibility to login from any device, any browser, and any location, allowing you to provide an ease-of-use to your agents. This, in addition to other benefits, helps you overcome the IT infrastructural challenges.

Maximum Data Security

With cyber-attackers becoming more sophisticated, it becomes a prime concern for the businesses to ensure maximum data security to their customers. Data theft not only costs the sensitive information, but also ruins the brand’s reputation, and customer’s loyalty.

But, with a cloud contact center software, backed by PCI-DSS compliance regulations, you can store all your data securely over cloud. In addition to adhering to the compliance standards, the data can be masked for securing data further.

For instance, when the agents are working remotely, it is near to impossible to keep track of each of their activities, but with a robust cloud contact center solution, you get enterprise-grade security features such as barring the screen recording, number masking, and more.

About the Author

Tanya Bansal is an enthusiastic individual, Marketing Executive at Ameyo, keen to learn customer problems, helping businesses find the right solutions effortlessly. Along with that, always being poised by the words, she finds her solace in reading and imparting her knowledge with students through multiple teaching programs.