
How QI Spine Clinic can treat your neck & back pain without ‘Spine Surgery’ or medicines?

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Technology has become a major enabler in our lives and has made life simple since it made things accessible at the click of a button. You should avoid using it to such an extent that life becomes completely sedentary. Following an unhealthy lifestyle can result in causing chronic problems like back pain & neck pain.

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Causes of back pain

The causes of back pain are numerous; some are self-inflicted due to what we do — or don’t do — in our day-to-day life, like

  • Poor posture,
  • Sitting for long hours,
  • Not exercising,
  • Lifting heavy weights,
  • Improper nutrition,
  • Wearing high heel footwear for prolonged durations,
  • Family history of back pain,
  • Accidents, muscle strains, and sports / Gym injuries

In simple terms, your spine is the backbone of your ability to move, sleep and function properly. Most or perhaps every movement originates from your spine, so taking care of your cervical [upper] and lumbar [lower] spine should be of utmost importance.

Your overall well-being, including everyday tasks and movements such as sitting up straight, bending over, picking up objects, walking, twisting and moving your neck can become extremely difficult or painful if you don’t take adequate care of your spine. There are natural remedies available for relieving back pain, one of the widely used methods is increasing the intake of food that contains more Turmeric. Curcumin is the most active ingredient in Turmeric which has anti-ageing and pain-relieving effects. If you are having severe back pain, it is always recommended to try Turmeric before trying other treatments.

New technological advances have made it possible for treating back pain and neck pain without the need for surgery or medication. To know how lets understand your spine

Understanding your spine

Your spine is comprised of 24 vertebrae separated by discs. Those discs help to keep your vertebrae together, allow your spine to move in many different directions dynamically, and act as shock absorbers as you move. It provides support for your whole body, protects your nerves and allows you to move in many different ways.

Some measures to help take care to prevent spine problems are:

  • Limiting sitting time – Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting in the wrong posture increase pressure on your spine by upto 200%. Moreover sitting for long hours can cause damage to your spine
  • Posture when lifting – Stand as close to the object as you can and use your legs and knees to lift the item, to avoid stress to your back and upper body.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle – Maintaining an active lifestyle can help lower your risk for experiencing low back pain, along with exercise routines like aerobic activity, core strengthening and stretching.
  • Using the right spine support – Sleep on your side or back instead of on your stomach to avoid extra pressure on your spine. Use a pillow under your knees. Invest in a supportive mattress and pillows promoting proper alignment of the spine and neck.
  • Keep yourself hydrated – Spinal discs shrink due to dehydration, as you can become more likely to suffer from a painful disc condition such as a herniation (slipped disc) or bulging discs.

Treating back pain & disc herniation without surgery

Slipped disc or disc herniation commonly occurs in the lower back. Symptoms of a slipped disc include

  • Pain & numbness while walking
  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain after sitting or standing
  • Radiating pain in your leg or arms
  • Pain while twisting and lifting

You can visit a spine specialist , who may recommend treatment that can strengthen your back while reducing your pain.

Treatment of back pain and slipped disc without surgery is possible with the help of DSA [Digital Spine Analysis] which can diagnose and pinpoint where the pain is originating and help the doctor create a more targeted treatment plan. New German Technologies like cell repair technologies can not only reduce pain without medication but can also repair the damages tissues.

With such technological advances, these treatments are non-invasive, reverse tissue damage, provide faster recovery, and no need for hospitalization. With such an option, patients who are having slipped disc or Spondylitis no longer need to opt for Spine Surgery. QI Spine Clinic is India’s first spine rehabilitation clinic for treatment of back & neck pain with advanced European technology.

One of the most advanced spine function tests that are done at QI Spine Clinic is the Digital Spine Analysis [DSA] to pinpoint muscles and structures that have been affected. This allows spine specialists to create targeted treatment protocols to strengthen these muscles which reduces pain and improves muscle function and mobility. As far as back pain & neck pain is concerned, Spine Surgery is the last option since there are ways in which you can cure the pain by consulting QI Spine Clinic – the neck & back specialists.