Startups that demonstrated at Proto:
Source : Webyantra
Experiences as a presenter – Prateek Dayal, Muziboo:
Notable experiences from Prateek Dayal’s blog:
Unlike some of the other startups, we had a walk through and no ppt. I think eventually turned out to be good as the response to the demo was very encouraging.
I liked the fact that proto mentioned that 3 companies have shut shop. I think its great to see that failure is no longer considered a bad thing. There was also a Proto for Dummies video which was pretty well done. I think the videos will be up on youtube pretty soon.
I had always heard that talking to investors gives you a good perspective and I think its true. I had also heard that there are quite a few senior startuppy people who give a lot of gyaan and try to pull you down and I think that is true too. In general its not very hard to find a few people in proto who look like they have come down there just to feel important by giving gyaan to clueless entrepreneurs like me.
Your blogs are not appearing too frequently and for your last 5 blogs there is just 1 comment!!!
Wonder why ???
Thanks for the comment.With your comment, the count becomes 2 π Yes,the frequency has gone down a BIT but I hope the QUALITY still remains the same [as before].
There are no particular reasons for the same but do keep reading this blog !!
Check out my latest article on Business Failure, hope you like it π
Thanks again.
-Himanshu Sheth