
Ten tips for Effective Presentations

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During the initial session of HeadStart, I just remembered about what Guy Kawasaki conveyed in one of his presentations that “When you are pitching someone, you should ensure that you have a backup copy of the presentation in either a USB or some other device“.This is what was missing during some of the presentations in Headstart where presenters had to spend some time in making things work smile

While reading “Entrepreneur’s Toolkit from Harvard Business Press“, just came across an interesting article on Making effective presentations , which are listed below:

1. Don’t hand out anything until the presentation is over-your audience will look through the materials and not listen to you.

2. Explain the deal right from the start. For example: “We are raising $X by selling common shares at $Y per share-that represents a Z percent stake in the company.”
With this, the prospective financiers will want to know how you came up with the Z percent figure and why you priced it at $Y per share.

3. How is the company valued and how did you figure it out?

4. Who currently owns what share or percentage , and what did they put into the company in return for those shares? What options or warrants have been issued or proposed?

5. Explain the idea and competitive niche as if your prospective investors were customers to whom you were selling the product or service.Don’t give a technical explanation.

6. A chronological marketing plan is critical.Explain in detail [not in generalities], how you are going to produce the sales.

7. Describe in detail how the investor’s money would be used.

8. Explain why the current management team is successful and if, they have a long stint of successes.Why do you need Angels or VC’s.

9. Don’t tell them that the exit strategy is going to be an IPO or a private sale to another company or merger unless, someone on your management team has done that before, or unless you have the details as to how the goal would be accomplished.

10. Have your current financials available for examination, no matter how ugly they are.

Lastly, if anyone is planning to startup on your own or join an early stage startup, than this book is a must read since, it would take you through the complete process in a startup right from starting up to raising money to Equity distribution and so on…..

Comments (14)

  • Interesting…

    In #1… I think you mean “hand-out” and not “handle”.

    In #9… what other “exit” strategies ARE there? I mean you have either got to sell or go IPO (I agree IPO should be used more as “growth” vehicle and not as a means of postponing the ineviatable). Other than those two the only option you have is to “go down with the ship” Or am I missing some else?

  • hey thanx for such wonderful advice mate~~~i am a MBA student and i will take care of such points in the future~~thanx again

  • Hey,
    @Anil : Yes, you were right…thanks for correcting the same πŸ™‚ AFAIK, Merger,Acquisition,IPO or Bankruptcy would be likely ways for a company to go on…
    Obviously,last one is the unexpected option πŸ™‚

    -Himanshu Sheth

  • Hey,
    @Rambhai: You are most welcome…So can tell me more about yourself on my mail? Say thanks to the book…Trust me,it is wonderful

    – Himanshu Sheth

  • i love your topics on these one im also an MBA student these pointers can be used soon

  • Hey,
    @PublilcRecords : Thanks very much and hope to see you again πŸ™‚

    -Himanshu Sheth

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  • What man !!! I scared the daylights out of you??? No more blogging???

    Ha Ha Ha !!! Usually happens when I target a blogger πŸ™‚

  • Hey,
    @Anonymous : No man, I am not scared πŸ™‚ I am a part of an Entrepreneurial venture and have been busy there πŸ™‚ Would be back to my blog within next few days πŸ™‚

    Do watch out !!!

    -Himanshu Sheth

  • You know, my lecturer pointed this post out in an MBA tutorial. Have you ever thought about lecuturing?

  • Hey,
    @Criminal Records:
    That’s very nice πŸ™‚ I would definitely be interested in a presentation…Do let me know on my emailid himanshu.sheth@gmail.com

    -Himanshu Sheth

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