There is already lot of fuss about job losses in US with more and more immigrants going to the US.The outsourcing bug is not only bringing jobs to India but also NRI entrepreneurs,who are now heading back to India.
The Economic Times Network has an interesting article titled “America’s loss may be India’s gain” , on home-coming of the heroes(ie NRI Entrepreneurs ).Some interesting excerpts below:
- If America makes it too difficult for immigrants to start their companies in the US, these entrepreneurs will be welcomed in India.
- Recent study completed at the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University showed that the entrepreneurial immigrants are using their skills, as well as the opportunities for business development present in the United States, to boost economic output and create more jobs for American workers.
- Also,25% of the companies in the US have their CEO “Foreign Born”.In 2005, these immigrant-founded companies alone produced $52 billion in sales and employed 450,000 workers.
- The study also found that in science and technology fields, innovative entrepreneurship is correlated with high levels of education.
- Only 15% of Indian entrepreneurs in America earned degrees from an IIT. It is a surprise that Delhi University graduated as many such entrepreneurs as did IIT-Bombay, and Madras University graduated more than IIT-Madras. Indian entrepreneurs ET surveyed attended more than 40 different universities in India before arriving in the US.
Read the complete article here (A must read !!! )
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