
Books for Entrepreneurs

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Some books on Entrepreneurship:

* Zero to One Million by Ryan P. M. Allis
* Zero to IPO by David Smith
* Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
* Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki
* New Venture Creation by Jeffrey Timmons
* Good to Great by Jim Collins
* The E-Myth by Michael Gerber
* The Young Entrepreneurs’Edge by Jennifer Kushnell
* The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business by Steve Mariotti
* The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship by William D. Bygrave
* Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker
* Good to Great by Jim Collins
* At Work with Thomas Edison by Blain McCormick
* Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G. Allen
* On Entrepreneurship by Harvard Business Review
* Entrepreneurship.com by Tim Burns
* The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki
* Fire in the Belly – an exploration of the entrepreneurial spirit by Yanky Fachler

There are more books on economics , personal developement on Harinath’s Blog
Thanks Harinath for this information.

Comments (4)

  • What is this Himanshu? Seems that you want to be a professor for entrepreneur subject, suggesting good books, collection of good books….gr8

  • Hi Anonymous,
    Yes this subject has changed my life and it would keep on changing my life and my career.


  • Himanshu
    Can you suggest some good books on entrepreneurship by Indian authors, catering to India? Something that looks at entrepreneurship from a wider angle than just the how-to types. Thanks.

  • Hey,
    @Vineeta:Thanks very much for visiting my blog.I have a couple of books at my place, which cater to the Indian Market.
    Would update this article within next 1-2 days with the names of those books.

    One book which I can think from the top of my head is “We are like this only”. You can check it’s review http://www.ramabook.com/rama_book_review/review_a.htm

    -Himanshu Sheth

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