It is just a usual day when i begin browsing on the internet and suddenly realize that there might be many web browsers available which might be offering better facilities than Microsoft’s Internet Explorer popularly called as IE.What exactly made me think about this?May be when i see my task bar full of IE’s(by opening many instances of IE) , i get this feeling that i should get another Web-Browser which would not clutter my tray with so many things and also makes the job easier.
So,i start searching on the internet for Web Browsers and as usual , get many of them.Now i am in a bit of dilemma as to which one is the best replacement for IE or which one can offer more facilities than IE.And the result comes out to be the open source browser Firefox which is now freely available for download on Mozilla.Now,the question to be asked is what additional features does Firefox have which makes it superior to Microsoft’s IE.
May be at the very first glance Firefox seems to be like IE but when we dig into Firefox,we will come to know that there are many,if not plenty of differences between IE and Firefox and it is due to those small additional features makes Firefox stand tall in front of pigmy like IE.It is my bet that once a person starts using Firefox he would never return to IE except for cases where Firefox is not supported.
Imagine opening many instances of Firefox but instead of getting bunch of windows , what you see on your PC is a single instance of Firefox.This is the Tabbed Facility of Firefox where many instances of Firefox windows are seperated by Tabs allowing better navigation between the windows and hence making browsing pleasurable and enjoyable.This feature was original by Mozilla and is now supported by Opera and Safari browsers as well.
There might be many other technical differences between the two browsers but for a novice person,even switching between the windows makes a big difference.
This is the time when Microsoft thinks about its strategies to revamp IE and bring it to the mark of Firefox since we see only some minor upgradation in Windows but IE still remains the same.In this crunch of the competition,such small things matter and may be in the case of Browsers,David “IE” may lose the race to the Goliath “Firefox”
(This article will be updated as and when more information is received and would welcome the reader’s inputs as well).