During our childhood days, all of us would have read about “Hare & Tortoise” fable. The famous lesson from the fable was “Slow & Steady wins the race” however, most of the times; the first mover advantage holds true [except in some cases like the Apple iPod !!!]

It is a universal truth that “Teams always win” hence, the term “I” carries less weight age than “We” since, “I WILL NEVER WIN” only “WE CAN WIN”. The presentation below, which is an updated version of the old fable gives an excellent insight into Teamwork

  1. Never give up when faced with failure
  2. Fast and consistent will always beat slow and steady
  3. Work to your competencies
  4. Compete against the situation, not against a rival.
  5. Pooling resources and working as a team will always beat individual performers