
How the Marketing Revolution is being led by AI [Guest Article]

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Although artificial intelligence may have once been thought of as nothing more than a sci-fi trope, it’s actually a legitimate technology that’s already changing how companies across a wide range of industries do business. Any professional who could benefit from enhanced data analysis and pattern recognition could theoretically take advantage of this technology.

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Digital marketers are no exception. AI has the potential to revolutionize sales tactics through techniques like chatbot marketing automation. That said, many people still don’t fully understand this technology, or what it can do. That is why it’s important to learn more about it. By familiarizing yourself with AI’s capabilities, you are more likely to see how the tech can be used to improve your marketing strategy.

Introducing Machine Learning

Many AI programs rely on machine learning to function. Essentially, machine learning refers to an AI’s ability to develop specific problem-solving skills by referring to established data points.

For example, machine learning allows AI to analyze previous data sets from the stock market. As the AI learns thorough reviewing past trends, it’s able to make more accurate predictions about the stock market on its own.

This means AI is likely to make more and more key business decisions in the near future. Marketers can leverage this power to boost the success rates of campaigns.

Machine Learning & Customer Behavior

Again, machine learning involves analyzing data sets to learn a skill or generate insights. That’s why it can play a major role in any task that involves learning from consumer behavior.

There are currently many different channels that could potentially provide consumer behavior data. Social media conduct, search history, purchase history; all may offer information that can help an AI develop more accurate customer profiles.

This is very significant from a marketer’s perspective. According to a 2016 survey, 80% of marketers agreed that customers were more responsive to personalized content. Consumers want marketing content to be tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Thanks to AI, offering that kind of individualized experience is easier than ever. AI can analyze customer behavior data much more efficiently – and thoroughly – than a human. Marketers will use it to more effectively segment their customers into separate groups and profiles, allowing them to target those clients with the most relevant content possible.

AI Content Curation

Stronger list segmentation isn’t the only benefit AI offers marketers. The technology also has the capacity to analyze reporting on topics ranging from sports and pop culture to science and politics.

Combine this quality with AI’s ability to generate detailed customers profiles, and it’s easy to imagine that marketers will soon rely on AI to provide customers with the information that’s most relevant to their interests. This helps automate one of the more essential components of any digital marketing campaign.


AI-enhanced chatbots offer many potential benefits to digital marketers. Along with taking over customer support duties, chatbots can reach out directly to customers via existing platforms like Facebook Messenger, alerting them to relevant promotions, new product announcements, and more.

Because AI has the ability to learn from customer behavior, a chatbot would know exactly when to reach out to a given customer for the best possible results. It will also know precisely what type of content it should provide.

Looking to the Future

In all likelihood, we have only just begun to scratch the surface of what AI can do for digital marketers. What is clear, however, is that it’s poised to offer major benefits. The marketers who embrace its potential early will stand out from the competition, offering their customers the kind of marketing experience that would be impossible without AI.

About the Author

Rae Steinbach is the Freelance Editor at Snaps, a mobile messaging platform connecting brands to millennials. You can find more about Rae here