
Google Blog Search is Most Popular

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A year after its launch, Google Blog search has dethroned the popular Technorati blog search, in page hits.

According to web data accumulator, Hitwise, visits to Google Blog Search surpassed visits to Technorati, and other blog search engines such as Sphere, for the week ending 12/23/06. Moreover, the research showed Google blog search attracts a younger audience than Technorati. While 10% of visitors to Technorati were in the 18-24 age group, 34% of visitors to Google Blog Search reached that tech-savvy group. A noteworthy point about Google Blog Search’s younger audience is that Google News, like most general news sites, skews older, with only 15% of its visitors in the 18-24 group.

This could indicate that the younger users of Google News are much more likely to click on the “search blogs” link than the older users. In contrast, Technorati has been popular with the 45 and up web users.

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